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Jesus 1 year ago
6 changed files with 401 additions and 1 deletions
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books.csv View File

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Fundamentals of Wavelets;Goswami, Jaideva;signal processing;228;Wiley
Data Smart;Foreman, John;data science;235;Wiley
God Created the Integers;Hawking, Stephen;mathematics;197;Penguin
Superfreakonomics;Dubner, Stephen;economics;179;HarperCollins
Orientalism;Said, Edward;history;197;Penguin
Nature of Statistical Learning Theory;Vapnik, Vladimir;data science;230;Springer
Integration of the Indian States;Menon, V P;history;217;Orient Blackswan
Drunkard's Walk;Mlodinow, Leonard;science;197;Penguin
Image Processing & Mathematical Morphology;Shih, Frank;signal processing;241;CRC
How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes;Konnikova, Maria;psychology;240;Penguin
Data Scientists at Work;Sebastian Gutierrez ;data science;230;Apress
Slaughterhouse Five;Vonnegut, Kurt;fiction;198;Random House
Birth of a Theorem;Villani, Cedric;mathematics;234;Bodley Head
Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs;Sussman, Gerald;computer science;240;MIT Press
Age of Wrath;Eraly, Abraham;history;238;Penguin
Trial;Kafka, Frank;fiction;198;Random House
Statistical Decision Theory';Pratt, John;data science;236;MIT Press
Data Mining Handbook;Nisbet, Robert;data science;242;Apress
New Machiavelli;Wells, H. G.;fiction;180;Penguin
Physics & Philosophy;Heisenberg, Werner;science;197;Penguin
Making Software;Oram, Andy;computer science;232;O'Reilly
Analysis, Vol I;Tao, Terence;mathematics;248;HBA
Machine Learning for Hackers;Conway, Drew;data science;233;O'Reilly
Signal and the Noise;Silver, Nate;data science;233;Penguin
Python for Data Analysis;McKinney, Wes;data science;233;O'Reilly
Introduction to Algorithms;Cormen, Thomas;computer science;234;MIT Press
Beautiful and the Damned;Deb, Siddhartha;nonfiction;198;Penguin
Outsider;Camus, Albert;fiction;198;Penguin
Complete Sherlock Holmes, The - Vol I;Doyle, Arthur Conan;fiction;176;Random House
Complete Sherlock Holmes, The - Vol II;Doyle, Arthur Conan;fiction;176;Random House
Wealth of Nations;Smith, Adam;economics;175;Random House
Pillars of the Earth;Follett, Ken;fiction;176;Random House
Mein Kampf;Hitler, Adolf;nonfiction;212;Rupa
Tao of Physics;Capra, Fritjof;science;179;Penguin
Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman;Feynman, Richard;science;198;Random House
Farewell to Arms, A;Hemingway, Ernest;fiction;179;Rupa
Veteran;Forsyth, Frederick;fiction;177;Transworld
False Impressions;Archer, Jeffery;fiction;177;Pan
Last Lecture;Pausch, Randy;nonfiction;197;Hyperion
Return of the Primitive;Rand, Ayn;philosophy;202;Penguin
Jurassic Park;Crichton, Michael;fiction;174;Random House
Russian Journal, A;Steinbeck, John;nonfiction;196;Penguin
Tales of Mystery and Imagination;Poe, Edgar Allen;fiction;172;HarperCollins
Freakonomics;Dubner, Stephen;economics;197;Penguin
Hidden Connections;Capra, Fritjof;science;197;HarperCollins
Story of Philosophy;Durant, Will;philosophy;170;Pocket
Asami Asami;Deshpande, P L;fiction;205;Mauj
Journal of a Novel;Steinbeck, John;fiction;196;Penguin
Once There Was a War;Steinbeck, John;nonfiction;196;Penguin
Moon is Down;Steinbeck, John;fiction;196;Penguin
Brethren;Grisham, John;fiction;174;Random House
In a Free State;Naipaul, V. S.;fiction;196;Rupa
Catch 22;Heller, Joseph;fiction;178;Random House
Complete Mastermind, The;BBC,nonfiction;178;BBC
Dylan on Dylan;Dylan, Bob;nonfiction;197;Random House
Soft Computing & Intelligent Systems;Gupta, Madan;data science;242;Elsevier
Textbook of Economic Theory;Stonier, Alfred;economics;242;Pearson
Econometric Analysis;Greene, W. H.;economics;242;Pearson
Learning OpenCV;Bradsky, Gary;data science;232;O'Reilly
Data Structures Using C & C++;Tanenbaum, Andrew;computer science;235;Prentice Hall
Computer Vision, A Modern Approach;Forsyth, David;data science;255;Pearson
Principles of Communication Systems;Taub, Schilling;computer science;240;TMH
Let Us C;Kanetkar, Yashwant;computer science;213;Prentice Hall
Amulet of Samarkand;Stroud, Jonathan;fiction;179;Random House
Crime and Punishment;Dostoevsky, Fyodor;fiction;180;Penguin
Angels & Demons;Brown, Dan;fiction;178;Random House
Argumentative Indian;Sen, Amartya;nonfiction;209;Picador
Sea of Poppies;Ghosh, Amitav;fiction;197;Penguin
Idea of Justice;Sen, Amartya;nonfiction;212;Penguin
Raisin in the Sun, A;Hansberry, Lorraine;fiction;175;Penguin
All the President's Men;Woodward, Bob;history;177;Random House
Prisoner of Birth, A;Archer, Jeffery;fiction;176;Pan
Scoop!;Nayar, Kuldip;history;216;HarperCollins
Ahe Manohar Tari;Deshpande, Sunita;nonfiction;213;Mauj
Last Mughal;Dalrymple, William;history;199;Penguin
Social Choice & Welfare, Vol 39 No. 1;Various;Economics;235;Springer
Radiowaril Bhashane & Shrutika;Deshpande, P L;nonfiction;213;Mauj
Gun Gayin Awadi;Deshpande, P L;nonfiction;212;Mauj
Aghal Paghal;Deshpande, P L;nonfiction;212;Mauj
Maqta-e-Ghalib;Garg, Sanjay;fiction;221;Mauj
Beyond Degrees ;nonfiction;222;HarperCollins
Manasa;Kale, V P;nonfiction;213;Mauj
India from Midnight to Milennium;Tharoor, Shashi;history;198;Penguin
World's Greatest Trials, The;;History;210;
Great Indian Novel;Tharoor, Shashi;fiction;198;Penguin
O Jerusalem!;Lapierre, Dominique;history;217;Vikas
City of Joy;Lapierre, Dominique;fiction;177;Vikas
Freedom at Midnight;Lapierre, Dominique;history;167;Vikas
Winter of Our Discontent;Steinbeck, John;fiction;196;Penguin
On Education;Russell, Bertrand;philosophy;203;Routledge
Free Will;Harris, Sam;philosophy;203;FreePress
Bookless in Baghdad;Tharoor, Shashi;nonfiction;206;Penguin
Case of the Lame Canary;Gardner, Earle Stanley;fiction;179;
Theory of Everything;Hawking, Stephen;science;217;Jaico
New Markets & Other Essays;Drucker, Peter;economics;176;Penguin
Electric Universe;Bodanis, David;science;201;Penguin
Hunchback of Notre Dame;Hugo, Victor;fiction;175;Random House
Burning Bright;Steinbeck, John;fiction;175;Penguin
Age of Discontuinity;Drucker, Peter;economics;178;Random House
Doctor in the Nude;Gordon, Richard;fiction;179;Penguin
Down and Out in Paris & London;Orwell, George;nonfiction;179;Penguin
Identity & Violence;Sen, Amartya;philosophy;219;Penguin
Beyond the Three Seas;Dalrymple, William;history;197;Random House
World's Greatest Short Stories, The;;Fiction;217;Jaico
Talking Straight;Iacoca, Lee;nonfiction;175;
Maugham's Collected Short Stories, Vol 3;Maugham, William S;fiction;171;Vintage
Phantom of Manhattan;Forsyth, Frederick;fiction;180;
Ashenden of The British Agent;Maugham, William S;fiction;160;Vintage
Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance;Pirsig, Robert;philosophy;172;Vintage
Great War for Civilization;Fisk, Robert;history;197;HarperCollins
We the Living;Rand, Ayn;fiction;178;Penguin
Artist and the Mathematician;Aczel, Amir;science;186;HighStakes
History of Western Philosophy;Russell, Bertrand;philosophy;213;Routledge
Selected Short Stories ;Fiction;215;Jaico
Rationality & Freedom;Sen, Amartya;economics;213;Springer
Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of the World Order;Huntington, Samuel;history;228;Simon&Schuster
Uncommon Wisdom;Capra, Fritjof;nonfiction;197;Fontana
One;Bach, Richard;nonfiction;172;Dell
Karl Marx Biography ;nonfiction;162;
To Sir With Love;Braithwaite;Fiction;197;Penguin
Half A Life;Naipaul, V S;fiction;196;
Discovery of India;Nehru, Jawaharlal;history;230;
Apulki;Deshpande, P L;nonfiction;211;
Unpopular Essays;Russell, Bertrand;philosophy;198;
Deceiver;Forsyth, Frederick;fiction;178;
Veil: Secret Wars of the CIA;Woodward, Bob;history;171;
Char Shabda;Deshpande, P L;nonfiction;214;
Rosy is My Relative;Durrell, Gerald;fiction;176;
Moon and Sixpence;Maugham, William S;fiction;180;
Political Philosophers ;Philosophy;162;
Short History of the World, A;Wells, H G;history;197;
Trembling of a Leaf;Maugham, William S;fiction;205;
Doctor on the Brain;Gordon, Richard;fiction;204;
Simpsons & Their Mathematical Secrets;Singh, Simon;science;233;
Pattern Classification;Duda, Hart;data science;241;
From Beirut to Jerusalem;Friedman, Thomas;history;202;
Code Book;Singh, Simon;science;197;
Age of the Warrior;Fisk, Robert;history;197;
Final Crisis ;Comic;257;
Killing Joke, The;;Comic;283;
Flashpoint ;Comic;265;
Batman Earth One ;Comic;265;
Crisis on Infinite Earths ;Comic;258;
Numbers Behind Numb3rs;Devlin, Keith;science;202;
Superman Earth One - 1;;Comic;259;
Superman Earth One - 2;;Comic;258;
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis ;Comic;258;
Justice League: The Villain's Journey ;Comic;258;
Death of Superman, The;;Comic;258;
History of the DC Universe ;Comic;258;
Batman: The Long Halloween ;Comic;258;
Life in Letters, A;Steinbeck, John;nonfiction;196;
Information;Gleick, James;science;233;
Journal of Economics, vol 106 No 3;;Economics;235;
Elements of Information Theory;Thomas, Joy;data science;229;
Power Electronics - Rashid;Rashid, Muhammad;computer science;235;
Power Electronics - Mohan;Mohan, Ned;computer science;237;
Neural Networks;Haykin, Simon;data science;240;
Grapes of Wrath;Steinbeck, John;fiction;196;
Vyakti ani Valli;Deshpande, P L;nonfiction;211;
Statistical Learning Theory;Vapnik, Vladimir;data science;228;
Empire of the Mughal - The Tainted Throne;Rutherford, Alex;history;180;
Empire of the Mughal - Brothers at War;Rutherford, Alex;history;180;
Empire of the Mughal - Ruler of the World;Rutherford, Alex;history;180;
Empire of the Mughal - The Serpent's Tooth;Rutherford, Alex;history;180;
Empire of the Mughal - Raiders from the North;Rutherford, Alex;history;180;
Mossad;Baz-Zohar, Michael;history;236;
Jim Corbett Omnibus;Corbett, Jim;nonfiction;223;
20000 Leagues Under the Sea;Verne, Jules;fiction;190;
Batatyachi Chal,Deshpande P L;Fiction;200;
Hafasavnuk,Deshpande P L;Fiction;211;
Urlasurla,Deshpande P L;Fiction;211;
Pointers in C;Kanetkar, Yashwant;computer science;213;
Cathedral and the Bazaar;Raymond, Eric;computer science;217;
Design with OpAmps;Franco, Sergio;computer science;240;
Think Complexity;Downey, Allen;data science;230;
Devil's Advocate;West, Morris;fiction;178;
Ayn Rand Answers;Rand, Ayn;philosophy;203;
Philosophy: Who Needs It;Rand, Ayn;philosophy;171;
World's Great Thinkers, The;;Philosophy;189;
Data Analysis with Open Source Tools;Janert, Phillip;data science;230;
Broca's Brain;Sagan, Carl;science;174;
Men of Mathematics;Bell, E T;mathematics;217;
Oxford book of Modern Science Writing;Dawkins, Richard;science;240;
Justice, Judiciary and Democracy;Ranjan, Sudhanshu;philosophy;224;
Arthashastra, The;Kautiyla;Philosophy;214;
We the People;Palkhivala;Philosophy;216;
We the Nation;Palkhivala;Philosophy;216;
Courtroom Genius, The;Sorabjee,nonfiction;217;
Dongri to Dubai;Zaidi, Hussain;nonfiction;216;
History of England, Foundation;Ackroyd, Peter;history;197;
City of Djinns;Dalrymple, William;history;198;
India's Legal System,Nariman,nonfiction;177;
More Tears to Cry;Sassoon, Jean;fiction;235;
Ropemaker;Dickinson, Peter;fiction;196;
Angels & Demons;Brown, Dan;fiction;170;
Judge, The;;Fiction;170;
Attorney, The;;Fiction;170;
Prince, The;Machiavelli;Philosophy;173;
Eyeless in Gaza;Huxley, Aldous;fiction;180;
Tales of Beedle the Bard;Rowling, J K;fiction;184;
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo;Larsson, Steig;fiction;179;
Girl who kicked the Hornet's Nest;Larsson, Steig;fiction;179;
Girl who played with Fire;Larsson, Steig;fiction;179;
Batman Handbook ;Comic;270;
Murphy's Law ;nonfiction;178;
Structure and Randomness;Tao, Terence;mathematics;252;
Image Processing with MATLAB;Eddins, Steve;signal processing;241;
Animal Farm;Orwell, George;fiction;180;
Idiot;Dostoevsky, Fyodor;fiction;197;
Christmas Carol, A;Dickens, Charles;fiction;196;

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src/main/java/com/jesuspinar/booksearch/config/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package com.jesuspinar.booksearch.config;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource;
public class AppConfig {
public String file;
public String separator;
public String listSeparator;
public String getFile() {
return file;
public String getSeparator() {
return separator;
public String getListSeparator() {
return listSeparator;

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src/main/java/com/jesuspinar/booksearch/controller/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package com.jesuspinar.booksearch.controller;
import com.jesuspinar.booksearch.model.Book;
import org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class CsvParser {
public static List<Book> readFile(final String path, final String separator, final String listSeparator) {
List<Book> result = new ArrayList<>();
try {
result = Files
.map(line -> {
String[] values = line.split(separator);
return new Book(values[0], Arrays.asList(values[1].split(listSeparator)), values[2],values[3], values[4]);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error de lectura del fichero de datos: books.csv");
return result;

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src/main/java/com/jesuspinar/booksearch/model/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package com.jesuspinar.booksearch.model;
import java.util.List;
public class Book {
private static int AUTO_ID = 0;
private long id;
private String title;
private List<String> authors;
private String genre;
private String height;
private String publisher;
public Book( String title, List<String> authors, String genre,String height, String publisher) { = AUTO_ID++;
this.title = title;
this.authors = authors;
this.genre = genre;
this.height = height;
this.publisher = publisher;
public long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) { = id;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public List<String> getAuthors() {
return authors;
public void setAuthors(List<String> authors) {
this.authors = authors;
public String getGenre() {
return genre;
public void setGenre(String genre) {
this.genre = genre;
public String getHeight() {
return height;
public void setHeight(String height) {
this.height = height;
public String getPublisher() {
return publisher;
public void setPublisher(String publisher) {
this.publisher = publisher;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((authors == null) ? 0 : authors.hashCode());
result = prime * result + (int) (id ^ (id >>> 32));
result = prime * result + ((title == null) ? 0 : title.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((genre == null) ? 0 : genre.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Book other = (Book) obj;
if (authors == null) {
if (other.authors != null)
return false;
} else if (!authors.equals(other.authors))
return false;
if (id !=
return false;
if (title == null) {
if (other.title != null)
return false;
} else if (!title.equals(other.title))
return false;
if (genre == null) {
if (other.genre != null)
return false;
} else if (!genre.equals(other.genre))
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return "Book [id=" + id + ", title=" + title + ", authors=" + authors + ", genre=" + genre + "]";

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